About us

This is Beey – our team.
We have developed an online application for automatic transcription of speech, and we keep improving it. Our Beey editor is a powerful tool for journalists, video producers, lecturers, scribes, and a wider scale of users from Youtubers to multinational media agencies. The process of transcription, editing, subtitling, translating, exporting which would normally take hours to complete, are now ready within minutes.

Beey by Newton Technologies, a. s.

We’ve been focused on speech technologies for 15 years and have been developing Beey since 2018. Beey is a great online application for automatic transcription and subtitling of audio and video. It works for most European languages, includes an intuitive editor and publishing tools, can translate and upload videos directly from the web, and much more! Learn for yourself.

In addition to the self-service app, Beey is part of other more comprehensive services. News agencies and media monitoring companies can take advantage of a complete workflow and integration system including broadcast recording, transcription, manual editing, and tools for task planning and publication of the resulting content. For TV and production agencies, we offer professional subtitling including top quality proofreading and timing correction, all overseen by our experienced editors at Studio Beey.

Our collaborators 

Technical University of Liberec 

The automatic speech recognition solution used by us was created in the Laboratory of Computer Speech Processing. The team led by prof. Ing. Jan Nouza, CSc. has been specializing in speech recognition for many years, with focus on mostly Slavic languages.  

Newton Media

Our sister company Newton Media, a.s. has been providing media monitoring and analysis services to a number of European countries for over 25 years. It is thanks to its extensive archive of texts and multimedia that our recognition system can be so accurate and robust. We also collaborate with Newton Media on automatic transcripts and monitoring of both television and radio broadcasts, as well as other sources. 

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 

The Beey application is being developed with support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The first project Beey Multimedia Platform aimed to develop an intelligent editor for editing texts with the aid of artificial intelligence. 

The recently concluded project “NORDTRANS – Technology for automatic speech transcription in selected Nordic languages” benefited from a € 1244 000 grant from Norway Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The main goal of the project was to improve the state-of-the-art quality and usability of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology for Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.

Czech Union of the Deaf

We have long been cooperating with and supporting the Czech Union of the Deaf and the entire community of the hearing impaired. We have initiated the #titulkujeme campaign to highlight the obligation of the state and public administration to subtitle videos on the internet for the deaf. We also ran our own online subtitled television for the deaf, beey.tv.

Our Team


Petr Herian

CEO NEWTON Technologies

Ewa Balejová



Petr Smorada


Marek Markiewicz

Business Partner for Poland

Kristýna Slavatová

Project Manager – Beey

Alexander Holko

Project Manager – Slovakia

Martin Krásný

Project Manager


Ondřej Klimeš

Product & Marketing Manager

Veronika Šťastná

Marketing Specialist

Dominika Illeová

Linguist & Marketing Specialist


Martin Podloucký

Team Lead
Senior Developer / front-end

Ladislav Šeps

Tech Lead
Senior Developer / back-end

Eva Machová

Developer / front-end

Miloš Kudělka

Senior Developer / back-end

Jitka Hübnerová

Senior Developer / back-end

Barbora Skálová

Developer / front-end

Artem Philippenko

QA / tester

Jan Václ

DevOps Engineer

Dominik Čejka

Junior DevOps Engineer


Lenka Weingartová

Innovation Lead

Marek Boháč

Research Developer

Anna Kudrnová

Innovation Specialist
Subtitle Specialist

Studio Beey & Support

Kateřina Boháčová

Customer Service Manager/HR

Pavel Hort

Transcription Coordinator

Michaela Balejová

Subtitle Specialist

Krištof Janeček

Technical Support Specialist

Kateřina Morozová

Customer Support Specialist


Other amazing team members​

Making Beey better everyday​