Choose your favourite media source for transcription

Get speech-to-text transcripts from broadcasting, online streams, and social media with minimum delay

Custom media sourcing

Specifically tailored to your needs, Beey offers a comprehensive solution that supports a diverse array of media sources for transcription. Our business-focused platform is designed to meet the transcription needs of demanding customers and individual users alike.

TV, Radio, Podcast

For companies seeking transcription services for their broadcasting needs, our app provides a seamless solution. TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and public government meetings can be recorded with our own Landeck platform and effortlessly transcribed with the advanced speech-to-text technology in Beey, ensuring accurate and efficient means to convert spoken content into searchable text fast – near real-time!
Do you have your own recording system or another provider? You can still use our scheduling and transcription services to get your texts as soon as possible.

Streamline your online processes

Beey extends its support to transcription from various online sources on the internet. Videos on platforms such as Vimeo, YouTube, and other URL accessible online players, or online podcasts can be transcribed effortlessly, enabling business customers to access multimedia content even during an online stream, while content creators can use the transcripts for subtitling or improving their SEO.

Access viral videos

Recognizing the significance of social media in the modern business landscape, Beey enables users to transcribe media from platforms like Facebook and TikTok. User-generated content, interviews, and viral videos are transcribed with precision, providing a convenient transcription solution fitted to the needs of businesses and creators alike.

Do you need more?

Beey supports offline media files in most formats, including dictation recordings. Upload your recordings directly from the computer or contact us to get Beey integrated into your platform with API.

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