Summarize multimedia content in Beey

Annotate your transcribed project automatically in multiple languages

quickly and automatically

Instant information

Enhance your audiovisual content experience with automatic summarization feature in Beey. Browse through long recordings or video transcripts and focus on the important message with an AI-generated summary that lets you quickly access more information.

Efficiency for everyone

Versatile tool

Whether you’re a researcher sifting through extensive sources, a business professional seeking quick insights, or a content creator aiming to engage your audience effectively, the automatic summarization in Beey provides a seamless solution for distilling complex audiovisual content into concise, digestible summaries. With multilingual support, you can access summaries in your preferred language, breaking down communication barriers and expanding your sources of information.

Increasing intelligibility

Integrated translation

Do you need to process recordings in foreign languages and access information you don’t understand? With the ability to generate and translate summaries into multiple languages, our summarization app extension transcends linguistic boundaries, making information more accessible and inclusive.

Effortlessly unobtrusive

Streamlined and tested

We made sure you can access your summary with fewest clicks possible and only when you really need it. Experience our seamless integration of speech-to-text transcription and automatic summarization and simplify the way you engage with information.

Get access

Embrace the future of content annotation and elevate your productivity.
Contact us and try out summarization in Beey today! 

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